Pre-School Curriculum
The Pre-School Curriculum is underpinned by 6 areas of learning, as set out in the guidance document issued by the Department of Education. At Ballysillan Nursery School, the Pre-School curriculum is given equal balance both indoors and outdoors, with the children accessing outdoor play every day, whatever the weather and in all seasons.
Language Development
This area provides an opportunity to help develop a love of books and an enthusiasm to start writing! We have a well resourced reading area and mark making is promoted across all play areas, which provides lots of opportunities to develop fine motor control, emergent writing and letter formation.
Early Mathematical Experiences
This area of learning involves counting, sorting, matching, seeking patterns, making connections, recognising relationships and working with numbers, shapes, space and measures. We use a wide variety of resources to help promote developing mathematical skills and knowledge.
The Arts
This area of learning includes art, music, dance, role play and imaginative play. We have painting easels indoors and role-play takes place both indoors and outdoors, changing with each topic to reflect our learning themes.
The World Around Us
In this area of learning, children are developing the crucial knowledge, skills and understanding that help them to make sense of the world. Pupils have the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of play activities both indoors and outdoors. The activities on offer change on a weekly basis and reflect our topic focus.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
This area of learning is about emotional well-being. We aim to develop pupils’ understanding of who they are and where they fit in, their independence and the importance of showing empathy for others. Pupils benefit from the opportunity to participate in songs, story time and nurture lessons.
Physical Development and Movement
Physical development is about improving skills of co-ordination, control, manipulation and movement. The children are provided with the opportunity to develop their physical skills using our outdoor equipment during daily outdoor play sessions.