P2 have lots of learning to do!
We are so excited to continue our learning in Term 2! Let's see what we have planned!
Topic: This term we are exploring 'People Who Help Us'! We'll be looking at all sorts of helpers both inside and outside school. From the caretaker to the teacher, from the bus driver to the doctor, no helper is small! Not only will we be looking at people but also animals like guide dogs and service animals!
Literacy: We'll be using our creative writing skills to link our Topic Work to our Literacy work by writing about the helpers we learn about! We'll be building our tricky word bank with new words and developing our phonics in our morning sessions with plenty of opportunities to investigate this further in play! P2 love nothing more than a story and this is a great way for us to complete some Emotional Literacy sessions by linking our experiences and thoughts to characters we meet!
Numeracy: P2 are becoming maths number masters and this term we will be revising some of the great things we have learned so far! We'll take another little look at seasons and days of the week, addition, number sequencing, shape and sorting using diagrams. We'll also begin looking at clocks and money!
Shared Education: How excited are we to start our Shared Education project this term?! We will be teaming up with the boys from Sacred Heart Primary School to make new friends, develop our learning and play skills and investigate Chinese New Year! Over the next few weeks we are so lucky to have the opportunity to participate in some incredible fitness, science and art themed workshops through this valuable project!
As always, thanks again for your support in making your child's time in P2 a super one!
Miss Clarke :)